What We Do

Our Practice Areas

Adoption Law

Over 30 years of experience in step-parent, private, interstate, international, agency, adult, and contested adoptions.
  • Guardianship
  • Conservatorship
  • Adoption
  • Parental Powers of Attorney
  • Prenuptial Agreements

Business Law

Our law firm specializes in: Incorporation, LLC Organization, hiring practices, guarantees, corporate taxes, contracts, sales, manufacturing, etc.
  • Incorporation
  • LLC Creation
  • LLP and LLLP Creation
  • Shareholder Agreements
  • Trademark Law
  • Employment Law
  • Corporate Transactions
  • Contract Law

Estate Planning

Creation and execution of wills for both testators and inheritors, establishment of Powers of Attorney, as well as trust creation and administration
  • Powers of Attorney
  • Wills
  • Trusts
  • Probate Law

Real Estate Law

Montana real property law, including deeds, acquisition, estates in land, conveyancing, future use control, and nonpossessory interest.
  • Low-Income Housing Tax Credit

Tax Law

Tax law is one of the fortes of St. Peter Law Offices, P.C. Don St. Peter has an advanced degree in tax law from Boston University and is admitted to practice in front of the United States Tax Court.

  • Estates
  • Probates
  • Trust Creation and Administration
  • Representation before the IRS (Offers in Compromise, Installment Payment Arrangements)
  • Qualified and Non-qualified retirement plans and IRAs

General Litigation

With experience in many fields of civil law, our legal team is prepared to help you succeed with your lawsuit.

  • Tax Law
  • Litigation
  • Pension Plans and Retirement Funds
  • Non-Profit Law

Guardianships & Conservatorships

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