My parent just died. Where do I start? Part One.

In addition to handling the personal, family and medical aspects related the loss of a parent, you must now consider how to deal with their real and personal property. The best place to start is to determine what estate planning documents your parent executed. Not only will this provide you with guidance as to your parent’s wishes as to the disposition of his or her property, but it may also help you to identify all the property. Once you have determined what estate planning was done on behalf of the deceased family member you should begin to inventory all of the real and personal property owned by your loved one. In addition to inventorying the real and personal property it is important to determine exactly how the property is titled. For example, is the property in your deceased parent’s name alone or is the property held jointly with another? Once you know what estate planning was done for your parent, and the nature and ownership of all of his or her assets you will be in a position to determine what process will be required to properly handle the decedent’s real and personal property.

For further inquiries, please contact Don St. Peter or Jason Harby at 406.728.8282


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